
Sequence wrapper functions.

xrfeitoria.sequence.sequence_wrapper.sequence_wrapper_blender(seq_name: str, level: str = 'XRFeitoria', seq_fps: int = 30, seq_length: int = 1, replace: bool = False) SequenceBlender | ContextManager[SequenceBlender][source]

Create a new sequence and close the sequence after exiting it.

  • seq_name (str) – The name of the sequence.

  • level (str, optional) – The level to associate the sequence with. Defaults to ‘XRFeitoria’.

  • seq_fps (int, optional) – The frames per second of the sequence. Defaults to 30.

  • seq_length (int, optional) – The length of the sequence. Defaults to 1.

  • replace (bool, optional) – Whether to replace an existing sequence with the same name. Defaults to False.


SequenceBlender – The created SequenceBlender object.

xrfeitoria.sequence.sequence_wrapper.sequence_wrapper_unreal(seq_name: str, seq_dir: str | None = None, level: str | None = None, seq_fps: int = 30, seq_length: int = 1, replace: bool = False) SequenceUnreal | ContextManager[SequenceUnreal][source]

Create a new sequence, open it in editor, and close the sequence after exiting it.

  • seq_name (str) – The name of the sequence.

  • seq_dir (Optional[str], optional) – The directory where the sequence is located. Defaults to None. Falls back to the default sequence path (/Game/XRFeitoriaUnreal/Sequences).

  • level (Optional[str], optional) – The level to associate the sequence with. Defaults to None.

  • seq_fps (int, optional) – The frames per second of the sequence. Defaults to 30.

  • seq_length (int, optional) – The length of the sequence in frames. Defaults to 1.

  • replace (bool, optional) – Whether to replace an existing sequence with the same name. Defaults to False.


SequenceUnreal – The created SequenceUnreal object.